Nordic research collaboration studying digestive complications in diabetes.

Register to participate in the study.

Join the study Free and open to all patients.
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Why is this urgent?

More than half of people living with diabetes suffer from undiagnosed or misdiagnosed digestive complications unnecessarily

The root causes

1. Overlapping of Symptoms

Diabetic Gastroparesis (DGP), Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) and Celiac Disease (CD) have overwhelmingly similar symptoms.

2. Slow progression

Disease evolution can occur over decades rather than months, making the diagnosis difficult without a clear view of the full picture.

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DGP can take 20 years to develop and be innocently dismissed as just dyspepsia; until the frequency and the intensity increases enough to impact daily life. A diagnosis usually happens AFTER permanent damage has occurred.

How does the study works?

User Edit

Register for DICODI via Redcap

Medical Case

Fill out several questionnaires to gain an accurate reading about your current state


Monitor your condition by updating your profile and repeating the questionnaries. Firslty, after 3 months and every 6 months afterwards.

By joining this study, you are not only helping on the understanding on digestive complications, but on the full picture of diabetic neurodegeneration

Questions? Check FAQ Page

Register Here Free and open to all patients.

Who is involved?

Team 1
Per M. Hellström

MD, PhD, AGAF, prof
Uppsala Universitet

Team 2
Asbjørn Mohr Drewes

MD, PhD, DMSc, Clinic Prof
Aalborg University

Team 3
Bodil Ohlsson

Professor, consultant

Universities involved in this project:

Aalborg Logo Def
Uppsala Logo Def
Oslo Logo Def
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What is our approach?

The physicians specialized in digestive problems in Diabetes purpose to study the symptoms of the three complications simultaneously.

By crossing the results, a more accurate diagnosis is obtained. It can later be shared with your doctor if you chose to.